If you are trying to list your ticket through the original confirmation email, you can forward the ticket from your email to us here and we will respond with a link to complete the listing.
If you are having trouble locating the original confirmation email in which your tickets were sent. Please try:
- Double checking the email you purchased the tickets with
- Searching the name of the ticketing company or event in your emails
- Searching keywords such as ticket, confirmation, booking or order
- Ensuring the search filter is not constricted by date
Here are some examples of confirmation emails:
- Ticketmaster - reply@email.ticketmaster
- Ticketek - confirmation@ticketek or noreply@ticketek
- Moshtix - notifications@moshtix
- Humanitix - noreply@humanitix or order@humanitix
- Eventbrite - noreply@order.eventbrite
If an event is rescheduled, please try sending us the most recent ticket confirmation email with the updated event date. Sending an old confirmation email with the original date may not be processed in our system.
If you are still unable to find your confirmation email or the email you forwarded is unrecognised, please contact our Community Support team through the link below.
Need more help? Contact our Support Team here.