As with every ticket listed on Tixel in Australia, listing prices for Laneway tickets will be capped at a max of 10% above the face value of the ticket (and we automatically detect the face value through our anti-fraud technology).
How to list Laneway tickets for sale
You can list it via Ticketek or Moshtix. Don't worry we don't save your credentials!
Do I need to transfer or share my Laneway ticket with my buyer?
Ticket transfers through Ticketek and Moshtix are recommended for all Laneway shows. This ensures buyers have their tickets accessible in their ticketing account. Payouts will be processed three business days after the show.
I'm not sure if I have completed the ticket transfer correctly?
We’ve sent multiple reminders to keep everyone informed about their responsibilities before the event. If you’re a seller and have already transferred your ticket, uploaded proof using the "Send Ticket" button in your Listed Tickets section, and verified your buyer has confirmed they have the ticket, then you're good to go! Double-check here: Your Listed Tickets.
Need Help Transferring Your Ticket? Make sure to follow the detailed instructions in these FAQs:
I still haven't received my ticket
If you haven’t received your ticket yet, don’t stress! We’re actively reminding sellers to transfer their tickets via Ticketek or Moshtix and will make sure you have a ticket before the show. Make sure you’ve provided your Ticketek or Moshtix email in the chat here: Your Inbox.
I want to resell my ticket but I don't have a resell button
Ensure the seller has uploaded proof of the transfer using the "Send Ticket" button in their Listed Tickets section and attach the screenshot via the "transfer confirmation" slot. The seller can update this by clicking "Manage" next to the ticket. Once done, a "Resell" button will appear in your Purchased Tickets section: Your Purchased Tickets.
My buyer has resold their ticket on Tixel
If your original buyer has resold the ticket, it’s essential to re-share the ticket (Ticketek only) with the new buyer so they can access it. The original buyer will be prompted to contact the new buyer and share their Ticketek email. For Ticketmaster tickets, buyers can handle the transfer themselves.
Need more help? Please contact our Community Support team here.